Training for Companies

The following training proposal is one example about training for companies with public financing. The following courses have been executed by Formula Aurea. If you wish more information about training or about the training for companies please contact with us.

This training is always adapted in function of the needs of each company. So we could change the number of hours or the structure of the course in functions of the needs for each company and learner.

Formula Aurea has classified the training in Areas with the aim to develop each area with the participation of expert trainers in each area. These areas are the following.

Area Aim One good practice
Preventing labour risks. To get skills to promote health and security in the workplace. To provide adequate tools in order to improve the policies in preventing labour risks Formula Aurea has promoted one course with Pilates methodology with the aim to prevent musculoesqueletal disorders
ICT To get knowledge in order to manage ICT tools more useful for the companies. In the course about Web pages the companies has training in order to manage social networks.
Management and HH.RR To obtain competences to manage teams in the companies. The courses about trying wine and business protocol has been very requested.
Marketing To obtain the knowledge in order to design, start and to evaluate one marketing plan. In the course about Web 2.0 Marketing has started marketing process based in social networks.
Languages To Improve or to obtain new languages skills Companies could do training in Languages’  In-Company