E-learning Training

Currently Formula Aurea is developing the following training courses in E-learning:

Basic management in Lotteries administrations and  commercial management in Lotteries administrations:

Formula Aurea Consulting has created a partnership with the National Associations of Companies about Lotteries in Spain (ANAPAL,FENAPAL and APLA) with the aim to make possible that the companies in this sector can access to public training. This training is certificated for the National Administration in Spain with the aim to develop the qualifications in this sector.

If you are the owner of one  lottery administration and If you need more information about this training please follow the following link:

 Web- Pages design by E-learning:

The aim of this action is to help to the small companies in order to create, design and update his own Web Page according with the needs of each company.

Web Marketing Courses:

The aim of this courses is to create Web Marketing strategies for the companies.